Friday, November 04, 2005


I believe this is my first semi-drunk blog entry....

I have to say tonight's green lantern was a HUGE disappointment.

Maybe it was the fact that I did not pre-cocktail before arriving there and was sober for most of the shirtless was only after the majority of the crowd had left that I began to feel that joy of slight intoxication....

Maybe it was the fact that an abundance of customers from MY bar were in attendance and one even tried to make out with me despite the fact that he has a boyfriend - I reminded him of this fact numerous times and informed him that a scarlet 'A' does not look good on me. He tried to justify his actions by claiming trying to kiss me was on a dare. I'm sorry but in my rule book - drunk or not, monogamy is monogamy and if those are terms you agree to - don't put my ass in the middle and make me the bad guy...

Maybe it was also the fact that aside from customers there was a fair share of other distractions that would be good if it was just one - but all these randoms from the past ended up showing up and i had a hard time maintaining conversation with just one person/group. Between the friends I arrived with, and the new friends I had met up with, and the old friends who happened to be there, and the current coworkers and the former coworkers and the guy I went on a couple dates with but decided I wasn't into and the customers there was just too much going on. I had a hard time focusing and in my (at the time) sober state it was just too much to maintain and enjoy myself....

Anyway, overall the night was very tame compared the usual debauchery. My liver and morning after regret says "thank you" but I'm feeling somewhat disappointed. I'll be sure to make up for it next week when Friday is a holiday and I don't have to worry about being productive at work the next day....

Hope all of you folk in blog land had a good one....

Much love,

semi-drunk'n'disappointed Mr. Bartender

(I do have to say though it was nice to finally meet Chip @ Gays of our Lives - obviously it was also nice hanging with his cohort Dale, The Boy from DC Urban Family, and the rest of Team Lady)


At 9:40 AM, Blogger DC said...

Demi Moore's characters name is totally Hester Prynne... who came up with Tabitha?

yeah it was mucho tamer, although I still got the awkward award for being duped by the boy and BGK into asking a guy what the thing on his forehead was.... yeah it was a birthmark....

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Big Gay Kevin said...

Well, I got to hug a big bear and say goodnight at least three times before M. bartender had to pretend to be my boyfriend and attempt to kiss me, which just went terribly wrong, like my dad copping a feel on my mother while I was in their room one night.

At 2:07 PM, Blogger KiKi said...

Further proof that my breasts shall remain cloaked in mystery. Clearly, nothing good can come of bearing them in public.


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