Wednesday, February 15, 2006

VD kinda itched and burned...

Hey kids.....remember me?? Yeah I've been a bit out of commission for a little bit and probably will be for a little bit longer. Just wanted to drop a quick line to vent and get a little distraction from work.

So things have gotten all insane and busy like at work. All sorts of happenings and stuff going on which has made life outside of work almost non existent. I feel so socially disconnected from the world. Haven't seen my friends in ages, haven't hung out in a bar other than my own, and sadly even missed some events that I had every intention of attending.

I've been holding up pretty well through it all but last night on the walk home too many thoughts were flooding through my head and for just a moment I allowed myself to fall for all the stupid Valentine's Day bullshit. Just as I was about home I sent the following text message to some of my friends:

"It's Valentine's Day and I'm walking home from work at nearly 11 PM and picking up carryout for one....How incredibly single do I feel"

I wallowed in my loneliness for a bit but my frustration in allowing myself to fall victim to the stupid Valentines Day bullshit hype annoyed me even more. Luckily the text message responses back from my friends helped put a smile on my face, as did the combination of watching The Daily Show while downing some tasty thai food from Simply Home Cuisine .

Still I'll be glad when March gets here - although I may still be single, I'll at least have some form of socialization back into my life. And there ain't nothing wrong with being single when you're in the company of good friends...


At 3:59 PM, Blogger DC said...

Amen lady!! We all will enjoy when you re-emerge into the world!!

At 8:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I may be in a relationship but I am the king of big bear hugs. Just let me know when you need one. Bear hugs are cathartic and WE ALL need them. Even I need them from time to time (especially lately). Just let me know when...

At 11:00 PM, Blogger TOS said...

Aww! I know what you're going through, I have been working late every night this week and last and even had to miss my class tonight - I actually did work at home too...grrrrr hell should end soon tho. Sounds like relief is in sight for you too - ah the beauty of spring!

Hang in there tho - you sound like yer kickin butt! High five!

At 9:29 AM, Blogger The Boy said...

Come back soon lady, we miss you!

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe,
love the blog! don't stress about being single...cuties like you are always scooped up shortly:)

have a good day at work and great seeing you last night!

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Stef said...

Aren't we glad that Valentine's Day only comes once a year?

I hope the work stuff gets better soon. I keep meeting more mutual acquaintances and hearing stories of "over there" - I wish you luck!

At 12:31 AM, Blogger Asian Mistress said...

I am always ready and willing to socialize :)

Are you coming to HH this week?


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