Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Apparently I like American Idol....

...well at least the first episodes where they audition people. I've never watched any of the past couple of seasons, but for some odd reason I caught at least part of the past three episodes and loved it. It's like an hour long special of what it's like to work at a karaoke bar. People who think they are the shit get up there belt out some god-awful tune. What makes it fun for me is watching Simon and gang get to say what would only result in a decline in tips for me. Ahhh, what a joy to see these deluded people get a reality check.

My favorites are of course the people who go in bragging about the "awards" they've won from karaoke competitions and get up there and can't hit a single note. The thing about karaoke it's intended for drunken fun (as I've previously ranted about before) not to be taken too seriously. Okay sure maybe you won a bar tab one night by singing your soulful rendition of "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" to a room full of drunk people but that does not mean you have talent. When doing karaoke the bar is set pretty damn low...if you hit half of the right notes you're doing better than most. Please don't ever use karaoke as the gauge to see if you really have talent. Oh and that guy who said you were amazing - yeah he just wanted to fuck you. Like declarations of love, take compliments from drunk people with a grain of salt....

(side note - i am truly frightening i have admitted love for a Pink video and American Idol in the same day.....what on earth is happening to me?!?!? )


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Tink said...

I didn't think there was a point to watching American Idol OTHER than seeing the rejects! Did you catch the guy last night who stroked a statue of a saint while doing some odd head jiggle while he sang. Do these people not have friends? Friends don't let friends sing horribly on national television!

At 2:00 PM, Blogger Stef said...

I've only ever seen about 20 minutes of Idol... but it was enough to make me totally agree with the Best Week Ever folks who mocked them all for the hand-to-ear fake earpiece move. What's up with that?!?


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