Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Why write when you can just link?

Not too motivated to write this morning so here are some interesting links:

1. Tivo to support video iPod!!! So what you're saying is not only can I watch porn on my iPod I can catch up on all my tivo'd shows??? Sweet...

2. Pregnant woman + fetus = HOV lane? yanked from here

3. I would make such a good sure to check out the accessories...

4. Ricky Martin likes Golden Showers - yikes! stolen from here

5. Use your computer's idle time to help fight AIDS.

6. His mixed CDs are as good as his mixed drinks....

7. Joe My God makes an interesting point and notices a difference between women and men...


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Mr. Bartender said...

Yeah I saw that...again as I said here , don't get pissed off when a bartender cuts you off or asks for your ID. We just saving our ass from getting in trouble...

(although it does sound like that bartender was all about getting this guy way too wasted....)

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Catie said...

Hi Mr. Bartender, I have been lurking reading your blog! I have to say something now though! Joe.My.God - he doesn't allow comments....and BOY did I want to comment! Actually, he has a point, but not all women are like that! I would have been in line with my item and a $5 bill ready to pay also! Anyway.....nice blog you have entertains me!

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The baby cages are perfect. I can't imagine you actually using one, unless your customers get a bit too rowdy.

Norwegians are such amateurs...19 shots, feh. The average Swede, Finn or Russian considers that a good Saturday night. Well maybe not that much but pretty darn close.

At 5:28 PM, Blogger TOS said...

That Ricky Martin thing is hysterical - ironically enough I got my issue of Blender today (I get it free somehow and don't know why...)


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