What's Mr. B been up to?
So last weekend, these two studs came on into the bar to enjoy a libation or two. This one pointed out that he had no idea what was going on with me as I never update the blog anymore.
Well he has a point…
Aside from the obvious, what has Mr. B been up to?
1) Work – working the two jobs has begun to take a little bit of a toll on me and my energy. Like any job, they have aspects that I love and aspects that I don’t love so much….The problem is it gets harder to ignore the things you don’t love so much when you have no time off. Sundays are my one free day which gets spend recovering from the week before…. I sometimes get what I call my Sunday Funk where I just get uber-depressed because I’m so drained and don’t handle day-to-day things so well. Luckily next weekend after the AIDS Walk I’m treating myself to a little vacation. A much needed three day break!!! I can’t wait!!!
2) Relationship – The relationship is going quite well. I’m actually quite smitten and finding myself excited and terrified and full of all sorts of really great emotions. It’s unconventional for sure, but there is such an amazing amount of honesty and communication that even the things that are uncomfortable are manageable because we can talk it through. Trust has been a big issue for me and something that has been broken many times in the past, so it’s nice to have a strong foundation of that from the get go. Lady Prada has even said “This is the most unconventional relationship you’ve been in, but also in some ways the healthiest”. I have to agree with her on that one….
3) Social – I haven’t really been going out all that much recently. Now naturally this is partly to do with the relationship, but a lot of that started even before the relationship did. A variety of factors I guess, saving money is one but just needing a break from it all is another big one. I know I sound like a bitter queen, but after awhile it just gets old. Going out and drinking just stops being fun, as does the morning after. So I’ve been actually focusing a lot of that energy into myself and trying to figure things out – small shit like ‘what should I do with my life’ etc, etc….not sure I’m close to that answer yet, but I’m at least headed in the right direction. Still MUCH to figure out, and actually the relationship has been very good for me in that front – challenging me to better myself in these areas of my life where I became very complacent.
4) Oh yeah and I’m not sure if I mentioned this but I’m doing this thing called the AIDS WALK…you should give money or sign up yourself :p
(has the horse been sufficiently beaten??)