Tuesday, February 28, 2006

random emotional post

It's been one of those months....the kind where you work some insane hours, exhaust yourself mentally just to have life sneak up behind ya and shove ya down on the ground emotionally.

Late last week I got word that my dad was going in for another angioplasty. It's been a little over a year from his first heart attack and despite some drastic improvements in his lifestyle he's still having continual heart problems. So he went in for another operation.

The good news is the exercise and good eating has paid off, his heart itself is strong and in good condition.

The bad news is he happens to be among the 5% of the population whose body can't handle the stents. His body has extensive scar tissue in his arteries from the stents put in during previous operations. This scar tissue has caused some significant blockage, the biggest blockage apparently can't be operated on due to it's location, the other is at 50% blockage and in 6 months to a year he'll need a bi-pass operation. The inoperable blockage will cause him ongoing chest pains for the rest of his life. There is nothing they can do to treat that, only potentially manage some of the pain with medication. Aside from the pure annoyance of having to deal with the day-to-day pain the major concern is his ability to differentiate "normal" chest pain from another heart attack and getting appropriate treatment.

All of this has chipped away yet another piece off the pillar of strength that is my mother. The woman who just 10 years ago faced breast cancer with a "I'm gonna fight this fucker" attitude has emotionally fallen to pieces at the potential of losing her husband. She's had a year to dwell on what life will be like without him. She has nightmare flashbacks to the morning when she witnessed him passing out in church, certain he was dead. Conversations with her over the year have reoccurring themes of "life is short and we could die at any moment". While I'll admit some of her reaction has spawned some practical & healthy actions (buying of their burial plots, increasing their life insurance, etc) it's hard seeing her dwelling so much on death that she almost forgets their lives.

And aside from the usual emotional crap that comes when you're thinking about the mortality of your parents there's a good share of guilt. Being thousands of miles away just feels so useless. Not being able to be there for them is hard, especially when the entirety of that burden falls onto my sister's shoulders when she's already facing an incredibly rough year of her own.

It's also guilt inducing to think that in the year since his heart attack all attempts at creating a relationship with my father have just failed. We've both tried in our own ways to establish some sort of connection but I guess we didn't just try hard enough. I have no malice or anger at him - I had a good childhood, two parents that are still married to each other, and both accepted me when I came out to them. Sure they made some mistakes along the way, but honestly they always did the best they could. I can't point to a single reason why I don't have a relationship with this man, I just never have as long as I can remember. It's never really bothered me until moments like these where I question what I should be feeling for someone that I love but don't really know. It's so confusing to even get my head around it all....

Sunday, February 19, 2006

What's a Rilo Kiley fan to do???

March 23, 2006

Rilo Kiley band member Jenny Lewis plays at the Birchmere

also on March 23, 2006

Rilo Kiley band member Blake Sennett opens for The Magic Numbers with his side project band, The Elected at the 9:30 Club

What's a Rilo Kiley fan to do?? Clone myself so I can be two places at once?!?!

I have already purchased my Jenny Lewis tickets so I guess the decision has already been made, but seriously what awful timing...

Maybe Jenny and Blake will meet up for a cocktail after their performances...


oh well...

(oh and for the record I behaved and went to bed last night, which was good as I got an emergency phone call at 8:15 this morning. Ugh...is it March yet?? And why do I feel like I have a hangover even though I didn't have a drop to drink last night???)


I just got home from a 14 hour day working my "real" job...

That meant I took off the bar...

It's 12:30 on a Saturday night....i never have a Saturday night off from the bar....

On one hand, I'm physically and mentally exhausted and should go to bed, especially when more work awaits me tomorrow.

On the other hand, I've been void of social functions over the past couple weeks and want to make the most of a Saturday night off...

How should I spend the next 2 and a half hours - drinking or sleeping...

My decision to come in a future post...

Saturday, February 18, 2006

To Do List

1. Preorder the new Neko Case CD "Fox Confessor Brings The Flood" released on March 7th.

2. Dust off the credit card and prep to use it for tickets to Neko Case at the 9:30 Club on April 9th once they go on sale.

3. Read a review and follow various links guilt free...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

VD kinda itched and burned...

Hey kids.....remember me?? Yeah I've been a bit out of commission for a little bit and probably will be for a little bit longer. Just wanted to drop a quick line to vent and get a little distraction from work.

So things have gotten all insane and busy like at work. All sorts of happenings and stuff going on which has made life outside of work almost non existent. I feel so socially disconnected from the world. Haven't seen my friends in ages, haven't hung out in a bar other than my own, and sadly even missed some events that I had every intention of attending.

I've been holding up pretty well through it all but last night on the walk home too many thoughts were flooding through my head and for just a moment I allowed myself to fall for all the stupid Valentine's Day bullshit. Just as I was about home I sent the following text message to some of my friends:

"It's Valentine's Day and I'm walking home from work at nearly 11 PM and picking up carryout for one....How incredibly single do I feel"

I wallowed in my loneliness for a bit but my frustration in allowing myself to fall victim to the stupid Valentines Day bullshit hype annoyed me even more. Luckily the text message responses back from my friends helped put a smile on my face, as did the combination of watching The Daily Show while downing some tasty thai food from Simply Home Cuisine .

Still I'll be glad when March gets here - although I may still be single, I'll at least have some form of socialization back into my life. And there ain't nothing wrong with being single when you're in the company of good friends...

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Gun's Don't Kill People...