Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Some inappropriate behavior observed this week:

1) Chatting about work during a burial service
2) Talking on cell phone while taking a shit in a public restroom
3) Grunting so loud and obnoxious at the gym it sounds orgasmic
4) Pink shirt with popped collar

Pink Shirt Popped Collar guy tried to order a Cosmo from me and I in good conscious could not serve him without saying anything. Conversation went like:

PSPC: "can i get a Cosmo?"
Mr. B. "how about you turn down that collar?"
PSPC: "is that some sort of dress code or something?"
Mr. B: "no, just a good idea in general"

collar got turned down and i resumed making his drink...

Friday, March 24, 2006

the giddy anticipation can commence....

A Fiona Apple / Damien Rice Tour is currently being scheduled for the USA for June/July this year.

They better make a non-MCI/Verizon Center appearance in DC...if anyone sees official dates posted let me know ASAP.

In other music news, Feist is releasing a remix CD next month.


Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins were uber amazing last night. If I see a bootleg floating around I'll be sure to post it, meanwhile this should help get those unreleased songs stuck in your head.

On a sad note, last night I noticed my "loose" jeans are now fitting just a little too snug. Even worse - the only thing I could fit into my 31 waist pants this morning was my shame.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I'm so screwed if they ever try to do this in DC....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Things that make me happy :)

1) Greatest radio show ever, Morning Becomes Eclectic now available as a podcast.

2. The Threadless $10 shirt Sale

3. Seeing the man-crush tonight, seeing Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins on Thursday

Monday, March 20, 2006

Weekend recap

Hey there kiddies!

I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was waaaay to short, but a nice one none-the-less.

The bar was busy both Fri & Sat nights, to the point of being record breaking. Friday night I had my personal highest ring for a Friday, Saturday I had my personal highest ring for a Saturday. Management was very happy with me and my karaoke host. We done good :)

The crowds were another story though.....great crowd on Friday including The Boy, the Drunk Girl and a slew of coworkers from my day job. Saturday was ummm....well....a bit lacking Things started off great with some guys I guilted into coming. However after their departure over to blowoff, things just took a huge spiral downwards. There was crowd of hot guys that knew they were hot. The philosophy seemed to be "oh i don't need to tip, the pleasure of serving a hot guy like me should be reward enough". Needless to say, Mr. Bartender got real cranky, real quick. My apologies to anyone that may have seen me not being my normal chipper self. It was good seeing yout boys, sorry I let the assholes taint my mood.

So sadly, while it was a record breaking night in sales, I walked away with a less than I normally do on Saturdays. There is something seriously wrong with that...

Sunday I woke up early to see one of my regulars in Shakespeare Theater's production of "Don Juan". Note to self, morality play + lack of sleep + empty stomach = bad news. The show itself was alright, but I was so not in the mindset to truly enjoy it. A matinee performance of ANYTHING on Sunday following bartending is unadvised, much less a play that features a fair share of long soliloquies on good clean moral living....

um speaking of good moral living - heh - i'm really digging this man crush guy...he kinda excites me....a lot....good to know the emotions aren't nearly cut off the way i thought they were. It's a tad bit frightening to feel certain vulnerabilites begin to expose themselves again, but it's for the best i think.... I've found the rational side of me creep every once in awhile saying 'woah, don't get too excited, get to know this guy' but then we'll have another date and it just feels right. So I'm going with it....scary though it may be, it's feels pretty freakin' great....and if it doesn't work out, then at the very least I know that I'm not fully the cynical close hearted guy I was fearing I was!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

office education...

today i had to give some coworkers a brief explanation of the hanky code after i noticed an invitation for an upcoming event was printed as a red hankerchief coming out of a blue jean pocket.

I guess the recipient is left to decide if it's a left or right pocket....

Hi, remember me?? :)

Okay, okay sorry to keep y'all in has been going at such a fast pace lately that my fingers just couldn't keep up in documenting it all.....some highlights:

1) Early Feb I got offered (and accepted) a new position at my day job - same building, different department. They wanted me to start right away, but seeing that I was smack dab in the middle of a HUGE project I held off my start date until March 1. Two weeks into the position I gotta say it's going well. The pace is a bit slower, but I've got enough things from the old position to finish up to keep me entertained for now. I'm actually pretty pleased with things, and hey - the extra $$ is pretty nice too...

The oddest thing I've found about moving to a new position in the same building is just the insane amount of gossip that accompanies such a transition. People tend to assume the worst about the old department and start trashing my old boss, who I actually think is a great guy. Others have a thing against the new boss and make veiled and not-so-veiled comments against him. Everyone seems to have an opinion and have absolutely no problem telling me what a wonderful/awful choice I've made.

Also interesting is to see the shift in the way certain people treat me. Like most places there is a fair share of departmental fighting that goes on. My switch certainly didn't move me over to the enemy's side, but the change in camps has made some people who formerly were complete dicks to me start to be nice to me. Now I'll never be a good at office politics because the whole game just annoys me and I refuse to play. I understand having disagreements and what not, but don't think there's ever a need to take it on the personal, below the belt level. And if you do decide to do that, don't expect that we are now best friends because it's more beneficial for you now to be in my good graces. I'm not going with hold a grudge and be an ass about things, but I'm also not going to forget certain people's true colors that they've already displayed quite prominently before.

Anyway...the whole process has been very interesting to watch from a sociological perspective...I find it very amusing...

2) On the dating front there is all sorts of craziness abound. Dating seems to always be famine or feast for me...... After a long dry spell void of anyone who peaked anything more than mild casual interest I finally found someone that I was really excited to go on a date with. In fact I found TWO someones that I was excited about going on date with.

First guy things went well and I had a good time but nothing really materialized, partially due to the fact that by the time we had our second date, another guy had come along and peaked my interest...

So this other guy and I had a date and things went insanely well. The kind of date where an outsider looking in could never tell that it was a first date because everything about it was so damn easy. We instantly had great banter back and forth, fun conversation and we were both all smiles. What really threw me was the fact that the self protective barriers that I have built up over the years kinda disappeared around him. I'm not used to that so it was cool....scary but cool.

Now the kinda messed up part of all this is that these two guys know each other and I don't handle dating two guys at the same time to begin with - and certainly not when they know each other and have the same friends. It's obvious to me the second guy - we'll call him Smiles because he's got an amazingly disarming smile - is the one I want to get to know better. I see a lot of potential there and really want to see what it could evolve into. He's been occupying a lot of happy thoughts in my mind this week and hopefully I'll have more good news to report on him as time goes by :)

3) Things at the bar are going pretty well....some of the bloggers have made appearances over the past couple weeks which is always good news for me. Seriously even if things are busy and I don't get to talk to them - just seeing all these friendly faces makes any night just a little bit better. Rumor has it I may get treated by the appearance of this New Yorker before he and his crew head over to blowoff on Saturday. Haven't seen him in a while and still hoping to someday meet this guy and his man, maybe someone can convince them swing over some night - or better yet, a blog gathering where none of us are behind the bar working!

Monday, March 06, 2006

quote of the day

gotta love starting off a monday morning with a caller who declares:

"if you don't know who i am, well just get your ass on google and you'll be printing out pages upon pages all about me!"


anyway, more to come later including a recap on Mr. Bartender's new job, new first date and the hot bloging boys that came in over the weekend!