There is no such thing as a free lunch....

I'm off to get my free burrito in my tin foil panties...
Happy Halloween!!!
I'm off to get my free burrito in my tin foil panties...
Happy Halloween!!!
Once again I refer you to The Sean Show for a very important read for anyone who steps foot into a bar.
* "ooooh I'm out of cash, I'll tip you next time" - i can understand if you run out of cash and need to go to the ATM but don't tell me you'll tip me next time. Prove it.
* "what will $3 get me?" - a dirty look and directions to the ATM
* "what's the cheapest drink I can order?" - okay saying this signals you're gonna leave a shitty tip.
* "okay i'm REALLY sorry here and it's gonna be long because i've got a REALLY complicated order, I know you're gonna hate me for it and I feel really bad..." - stop with the long explanation for why your drink is so complicated because more than likely your explanation is more complicated than the drink order itself. Just tell me what you want...
1. With no new episode of Lost to keep me entertained last night I was left with no other choice than to go out and drink myself silly. Attended a going away party for a hottie that I've been lusting after for years and then for some reason was convinced to go to Wet. Now I'm not hating on the idea of naked men - i heart naked men - there's just something unappealing about it for me at strip joints. Maybe I like a bit more of the game, the challenge. When it's given so freely (on stage none-the-less) it's no longer sexy, it's just funny. Especially when you step into the strip joint and see one of your regulars up there. I made sure to cheer loudly for him in hopes he'll use some of that $200 to give me a handsome tip this weekend. We shall see...
"i don't think the child labor law is enforced there, sadly.oh god, reading that just reminded me that in an intoxicated state I screamed "eat a hamburger" to a stripper . *sigh* Yeah, sometimes the drunk version of me says the tackiest (but true) things.
thin is one thing, but those dancers looked mal-nourished."
Sorry for the slight delay in an update. The weekend was absolutely crazy. Here’s what’s been keeping me so busy:
Here's a google game for ya:
Some Haiku's I wrote for my deceased iPod, and one for the arrival of the new one
I'd like to take a moment to reflect on the memories of my recently deceased iPod. He had only been with me for 8 months, but in that short period of time I had experienced a love unlike any other.
My relationship with iPod started off a bit shaky. In fact, I was resistant to the idea of getting an iPod for quite some time. Friends would say "Mr. Bartender, you of all people NEED to have an iPod" but I felt an iPod reeked of corporate pop commercialism. I wasn't going to be swayed by this trend.
But come Valentines Day the incredibly sweet guy I was dating at the time brought an iPod into my world. When the iPod and I first met I was unable to use him. My computer was a crappy Pentium I that could barely run Win 98. But thanks to Mrs. Jesus I was able to load my iPod up with some favorite songs and begin to develop a relationship with him. Within an hour all of my doubts about an iPod were gone. I had found a new love in my life, in the palm of my hand. This new love so dominated my thoughts that one week after getting him I jumped out to buy a brand new computer just so he could I could feed him the music he wanted from the comfort of my own home.
iPod and I went everywhere together. He would accompany me at work, singing little songs to me to get me through my day. He would join me at the gym giving me the motivation to make it through that last rep, or the final 15 minutes on the elliptical. He would come with me to the bar and make friends with the soundboard, giving me a much needed break from the cheesy pop sounds I was forced to listen to all night. He knew what I liked, and how to please me.
Sadly he begin to show signs of an illness a couple months after we started with our life together. It started off as small things - his click wheel would occasionally be slow for a day. Then it started getting worse - sometimes at the end of a song he would attempt to play another but try as he might he just couldn't do it. He would end up passing out, only to be revived by a system reset.
Then about a month ago he went into a coma. He became unresponsive to my computer and was unable to take a new songs. He even had trouble playing songs on his own. I grew quite concerned, but after a week he seemed to improve. That is until yesterday when all hell broke loose. I arrived at work and he started skipping. He couldn't make it through a single song, he tried and he tried and then he froze. Worried, I quickly reset him and got a folder of trouble.
I reset him again
and again
and again
I grew concerned and a tear welled in my eye. By the time I had arrived home his condition had not improved at all. I connected him to the computer and attempted a complete reinstall. It had 8:33 PM, he was pronounced dead.
(a moment of silence please)
I miss him so much already and it's only been a day. My boss was blasting opera music out of his office yesterday and I had no iPod to save me and my ears. At the gym "the talkers" felt I was one of them and tried to get me stuck in conversation. My walk to work in the rain was so quiet that my subconscious became a jukebox of crappy music in his absence. Random songs that I hate popped into my head for no reason - why oh why is Michael Jackson's "Black or White" in my mind?? Help me!!!!
So iPod as you walk through those pearly gates of iPod heaven, please think of me fondly. I enjoyed our many hours together. You were more than a lover, you were a friend. I leave you with some words from Patty Griffin's "Long Ride Home" to describe how I'm feeling without you. I know you loved that song (and all 4 versions of it I gave you) as much as I do.
"Headlights searching down the driveway
The house as dark as it can be
I go inside and all is silent
and feels as empty as the inside of me"
Here's a quiz as first seen on The Sean Show:
So my iPod totally crapped out at me today at work. It's been having some issues for the better part of this month but seemed to be back to normal over the course of the past week or so. I thought things had improved.
Yes, in 5-7 business days I will be the proud owner of the new 60 gig, video playing iPod. I soooooo do not have the abundance of money that would justify such a purchase but I found rationalization in other forms. First of all I'm a music WHORE. To the point where I've outgrown my current 20 gig. I've been finding myself torn as what to delete off my iPod to make room for new stuff. Second of all, well I don't really have a second of all....I just used the dead iPod in front of me and my addiction to music to justify this purchase....
That's alright, right?
(FYI - I was a little hesitant to post this, but damn it I'm not ashamed to admit my love for Dolly - the last song my iPod played all the way through was Dolly Parton's "Here You Come Again")
There was another troubling thing. One of the sensors that went off was located at the Lincoln Memorial on the far western end of the Mall. Another was located near Judiciary Square, roughly two miles to the east and two blocks north of the Mall. A third was at the Army's Fort McNair, more than two miles from the Lincoln Memorial down the Potomac River past the Mall, on the point of land where the Washington Channel and Anacostia River meet. The locations of the other three sensors have not been disclosed
Under the government's scenario, soil on or near the Mall somehow became contaminated with the bacteria, perhaps from the body or blood of a dead or injured small rabbit or squirrel. That soil then got stirred up -- possibly by the marchers themselves -- and floated across the Mall and beyond. Marchers and book festival attendees contacted by Salon say it was dusty on the Mall in the morning. But it rained early that day and stayed moist, making the dust theory perhaps less likely, at least after that rain.
"One sensor, I'd say maybe," says biosecurity expert Stanhope of the dust theory. "Two sensors is a stretch. Six sensors? I'm sorry, you don't have enough money to buy enough martinis to make me believe that it is naturally occurring at six different sites. I don't think you could get me that drunk to believe that."
* I checked the blog stats today and was very happy to see that someone from Berkeley, CA made it to our site by a google search for "How to ask a bartender for a date". Good luck to you Berkeley! I hope my words help you find love (or at least a good shag!)
okay I know I just posted this an hour ago, but that bush site is too addicting...aside from tossing that fucker across the screen, it's fun to see what sexual positions he ends up getting himself into...
On behalf of Team Lady I'd like to shout out a big ol' Happy Birthday and 25 virtual slaps on the ass to The Boy.
Click on over to Urban Family and send him some birthday luvin'
I have an opportunity to get Gloria Estefan's new book autographed. Now if only I knew someone who liked crappy music that I could give it to.
I was browsing through the blog stats today and noticed that someone came to our site from a MSN Search for "dating a bartender".
As you may recall from a previous post, I have recently agreed to go on a date despite my not looking to date status. This was agreed upon given the stipulation that the guy knew upfront I wasn't wanting a relationship.
A couple months ago Team Lady saw that Nickel Creek was coming to the 9:30 Club in October and we made plans to get tickets. One of the great thing about the 9:30 Club is that everyone can buy their tickets on their own and since it’s standing room we don’t have to worry about not being seated next to each other. Being the concert lover that I am, I rushed out in bought my ticket immediately along with 2 other concerts that I was dying to go to. Since I already had friends lined up to accompany me for Nickel Creek I just bought one ticket for myself.
DC has been hit with one rainy weekend. To commemorate the mood outdoors I put the finishing touches on a on my Sad Day Song mix.
I’m still drunk…
1. We have confirmation from two independent sources that Halo bartender is indeed in a relationship. One source reports not only is he in a relationship but they have moved in together. I seriously hope they have an "understanding" as it sounds like his attempted infidelity is not an isolated incident.
If my life were an After School Special the themes in last night’s episode would have included alcohol abuse, peer pressure and adultery. (Of course if my life were an After School Special I also would have been date raped and maimed in a drunk driving accident …. Fortunately neither of those two happened)
October marks my one year anniversary of going to the gym. The fact I managed to stick with this for an entire year is a HUGE deal...
I’m in a good mood today. Here are some things that made me happy today, or at least put a smile on my face:
Bar Life
1. This weekend at the bar was painful. My favorite coworker was gone and it was just a consistently annoying crowd – as a result I’ve decided I need to pen another guide – “How To Order A Drink Without Pissing Off Your Bartender”. Be on the lookout for that later this week.
2. As painful as the bar was at times, I was blessed to have some favorites of mine swing by to lift up my spirits. The Boy made an appearance on Friday, and “The Group That I Don’t Have A Nick-Name For Yet But They Know Who They Are” came both Friday and Saturday nights. When The Boy and The Group arrived they could see I was kindy pissy and helped make me smile again. Cheers to them.
3. Received a gross pick up line that reminded me of a similar line heard by the delightful boys at Gays Of Our Lives. Kelly Clarkson’s “Behind These Hazel Eyes” came on and a customer turned to me and said “I wanna see you brown eye”. The naïve and innocent side of me responded “But I have blue eyes”. He flashed me a dirty smile and said “I know”…I paused and realized what brown eye he was referring to. I cringed.
(background to this weekend’s story)
After a recent series of guys who became overly-attached on the first date, I decided a couple weeks ago that I am putting my dating life on a temporary hiatus. One recent guy started “we”ing me on date #2. He had many plans for what WE should do in the future months, including a vacation, Christmas plans and worst of all – the meeting of each other’s parents. I made sure WE called things off after that date...anyway...
1. A couple weeks ago I informed another gentleman caller at the end of our third date that I did not wish to continue this dating endeavor. A week later he emailed me and said he was a bit confused as to where we stood. I wrote back and informed him that currently I am not interested in dating anyone. On Friday I received another email from him asking me out to dinner. *sigh* On Saturday night not only did he make an appearance in my bar, he stayed in my bar from about 11PM til close. As hard as I tried to ignore his continual presence I couldn’t help but be annoyed. This morning I have another email awaiting me saying how great it was to see me on Saturday and that he’d like to spend more time together. I must put an end to this...
2. A rather attractive guy was in the bar both Friday and Saturday nights. We exchanged smiles, he over-tipped me, I comped him some drinks – great system. Although since I’m not dating I never made a move for an exchange beyond bartender-customer. Sunday night however found me at JRs having several cocktails and he appeared. We chatted for awhile and I fessed up as to my reluctance to date. I explained that while a relationship is a goal for me in time, it’s not a goal for my immediate future. Currently I’m wanting to be single. Despite all that being said, the combination of alcohol and hormones made me semi interested in a casual date and I agreed to one. We exchanged numbers, emails and maybe a couple kisses. We’ll see what develops and how long it takes before I freak out and jump ship :)
1. Spent some more time with the new Fiona Apple CD trying to like it. While a good CD, it’s now official that I prefer the Jon Brion version hands down. Despite what Entertainment Weekly tells you on their review the Brion version is far more complex and interesting.
2. Listened to the new Liz Phair CD which gets released tomorrow and am LOVING it. Must rush out to buy it tomorrow. I sooooo can’t wait to see her at the 9:30 club next week. It’s gonna be a great show! Y’all should come!!
3. Patty Griffin is making a cameo in Cameron Crowe’s new movie “Elizabethtown”. My favorite song of hers, Long Ride Home, made the soundtrack and CMT has a video for it right here. I’m in love...